Education-based productions & recreational entertainment in the performative arts.
Magic Adventures School Age Child Care Program for Pre-K through Grade 5
Our primary goal at Monti Magic Preschool is to provide a positive learning experience for your child in an environment that inspires exploration, experimentation, and discovery. Student must be 3 or 4 years old by September 1.
Northwest Talent Academy
Recreational, educational and fun opportunities for adult.
Aquatics programs
Trips and Tours
Six-Time Powder Ridge Ski Program–Gr. 6-12
Monticello Community Education will be offering the Powder Ridge Ski Program again this year for grades 6-12. Buses will leave the middle and high schools after school (3:00 p.m. middle school; 3:15 p.m. high school) with return time at approximately 8:30 p.m. to the high school. Also during registration, insurance company, policy number, and an emergency contact other that a parent is required. Students using their own snowboards must have metal edges and a retaining strap. In addition, each participant will also receive a one-time discount bonus voucher good for up to 4 tickets at $8 each and 4 equipment rentals at $8 each (ski or snowboard). This voucher may be used one time any evening (3:30 p.m.-closing) through the end of the season. Registration deadline is Dec. 28. No refunds after the first night of skiing, so check your schedule carefully before registering. Again This Year-- Any student that registers for a ski or snowboard rental for the 6-time program will also get unlimited free ski/snowboard rental's throughout the entire snow season, not just for the 6-time program. That means no paying another rental fee when you go on your own!! Only 100 spots available so don't hesitate to register!
Tuesdays, Jan. 14, 21, 28, Feb 4, 11, 18 6 sessions + bonus night
F24-xxxx • Helmet Rental $21 (optional; add to package above) F24-xxxx • 2 Lessons $15 (optional; add to package above) *Every effort will be made to reschedule missed sessions due to weather.
Parent chaperones are welcome to come along! All parent chaperones will receive a free lift and rental ticket each time they come. Chaperones are required to come to a chaperone training (date tbd) and ride the bus to and from Powder Ridge with the kids. To signup to be a chaperone, please click this link, thanks! CHAPERONE REGISTRATION
Online registration is over