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Community Theatre Program
Course Category
About Community Theatre Program

Monticello Community Education aims to make the most out of our two theaters, located in the middle school and high school, by playing host to various acts and productions guaranteed to bring entertainment and insight to the Monticello community!

For more information, please reach out to the theatre manager, Ryan Siddell.

(763) 272-2262

Featured Courses

  • Macbeth - Grades 9-12

    The Tragedy of Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, tells the story of a powerful Scottish general who, after receiving a prophecy from mysterious witches about his future kingship, is driven by ambition and his wife's influence to commit a series of increasingly desperate acts to seize the throne, leading to a tragic downfall as his paranoia and guilt consume him amidst a growing rebellion against his reign. Important Dates/Times: Auditions: March 10th-13th, 3:15pm-6:15pm, Monticello High School Performing Arts Center Rehearsals: Mondays-Thursdays, March 17th-June 11th, 3:15pm-5:30pm, Monticello High School Performing Arts Center Performances: June 12th-14th @ 7pm, June 15th @ 2pm, Monticello High School Performing Arts Center